
After someone passes away you will need to take action. Let us help you decide what must be done, when and how. What you need to do should not be left to trial and error. We can help with:

  • Informal or Formal Probate
  • Letters of Administration or Letters Testamentary
  • Non-Probate Transfers
  • Beneficiary Designations and Joint Ownership

Often the only way to transfer an asset owned by a deceased person is to open what is called a “probate.” This is an old term with a bad reputation. But it does not have to be this dreaded unknown. It should not be overly time-consuming or costly. We open probate matters daily and quickly get executors (personal representatives) and beneficiaries on the right track toward efficient distribution of the estate. You do not have to navigate this alone. Allow us to take away the burden of trying to learn this complex system yourself.

Speak to an attorney today

Tell us how we can be of service and one of our team members will contact you.

I learn something new about estate administration every day. You don’t need to – I’ve got this for you.

Sherry Vanatta, Office Manager

Probate Services

Probate is not a four-letter word. Let us help you keep it simple. In Colorado, some 65% of probate cases are informal and no attorneys are involved. We help you determine if you need assistance with an estate, or if we can provide enough guidance initially to get you started in the right direction. If, for example, you are being asked for “Letters” from the court, we can tell you why and help you obtain them. If you are told you need a “personal representative’s deed,” we know what that means and why you need us to do it. Probate is something our office handles every day. We can help make this the easy part of what may otherwise be a very difficult time.

We can make this EASY!

Trust Administration

A Trust, in some cases, can eliminate the need for probate all together. Trusts have many purposes, at Sutherland & Connor, we routinely advise trustees and beneficiaries on the establishment and administration of trusts. You may be a beneficiary of trust and not know what your rights are or how to enforce them. We do, so let us help. You may be named a trustee and not know what you are supposed to do and why. We do, so let us help. Paying for legal services before a dispute arises can save thousands of dollars and keep relationships intact. Don’t learn about this after the lawsuit is filed, get ahead with our help.

Stay ahead with our HELP!

Will Contests and Estate Litigation

There are times when an estate plan is subject to scrutiny — children are disinherited, untrustworthy people take advantage of the elderly, executors become greedy, and some family feuds are, regrettably, unavoidable. We have experience bringing, defending, and settling these disputes. Our attorneys successfully settled several will contest cases, and in so doing have protected millions of dollars for the intended beneficiaries. We will help you analyze your issue and, whenever possible, strive for speedy and practical resolution. Interest parties have rights in probate, and we can help make sure they can exercise those rights. We can help keep vultures away.


Non-Probate Transfers

Most assets do not have to be probated. Rather they are controlled by joint ownership, beneficiary designation, or other similar means. We know why and how to transfer such assets. You may be told you need probate when you simply do not. Our expertise can save you time and money. There may be reasons why you want to delay opening a probate matter, we can help you make the best decision.

Collect and Protect ASSETS!

We are ready to assist you with your probate needs.